This beautiful blogger who also happens to be one of my favorites tagged me in her last post. So here are the questions I have to answer:
1) What are the 3 places you would like to go and visit?
Well, considering I want to move to Austin, Texas so bad it's obviously one of the places I would really like to visit! I would also like to go to Europe and somewhere tropical....I haven't really traveled a lot of places so the list of places I need to visit is SUPER long.
2) Tell me about something you really care about?
I really care about my family and my friends. I would do anything for them :-)
3) What is the hardest thing you have ever had to do?
The hardest thing I ever had to do was walk away from the man I loved. I knew it would be the end but I also knew that it would be for the best. He wasn't very nice.
4) What is your favourite part of the day?
My favorite part of the day is twilight. Right at the prime of sunset when everything is glowing a shade of yellowish orange. This is also the best time for taking pictures!
5) What is your favourite film?
My favorite film changes constantly! I don't really watch movies or TV often so I'm really behind. If you ask me if I have seen a certain movie the answer is most likely no.
6) If you could ban one thing what would it be?
Broken hearts! No one should ever deal with the horribleness of a broken heart!
7) Are you superstitious?
Not really!
8) Where would you like to see yourself in 10 years time?
Smiling and happy. Married to an amazing man who adores me. 2 little children. Awesome job. Successful in life.
In the mean time- I would make an awesome rich man's wife...just sayin!