OMG. I. Am. So. Freaking. Tired.
Last week was my first week of work at my big girl full time salary job and believe me full time means FULL [where the heck do all the hours in the day go] time.
My month of unemployment spoiled the crap out of me. At work you can't lay out and tan by the pool after you eat lunch, you can't go to the 4 o clock spin class at the gym and you can't even think about drinking that morning mimosa and afternoon margarita (not that I ever did that...but I could have!)
I don't even want to see my friends on weeknights anymore and all those texts I get after I go to bed at uhhh 9 I respond to when I wake up at dark thirty in the morning.
You know what? I love it. Sure it is going to take some time to get used to and get back on a schedule where I am not thinking about sleep all the time, but I'm glad to finally have something exciting to get out of bed for during the week. I also know for a fact I'm going to be loving every other Friday (payday). Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up but I wouldn't trade it for anything :-)
YAY for your awesome new job! It does take a while to get used to a new schedule but I'm sure you're doing amazing and it'll only get better =). Haha and I'm usually in bed by like 9:30 so I feel ya with the texts.