I'm just guessing from the 16 text messages (an hour), phone calls, facebook messages, etc. he didn't take me not wanting to see him anymore very well.
A few weeks later all contact stopped and let me tell you, it felt like a vacation!
Apparently he had fallen head over heels and too much too soon makes me RUN for the hills.
A few days ago he texted me and asked for my address (ummm creepy). He told me that he wanted to send me a gift. I told him that it wasn't necessary and didn't text him again.
Today I got the gift.
It was a Christmas card with a frozen yogurt gift card inside (my favorite non-dessert, dessert EVER!)
I couldn't help but sit and stare at it wondering how someone that I went on 3 dates with, decided I didn't want to see anymore, treated like crap and basically ignored send me such a sweet gift?
And how could the good "Christian" man I was going to marry (fireman), the one who I was head over heels in love with, who I wanted to be with forever, break up with me 8 months ago and never talk to me again?
That is the sweetest thing I've ever heard, even if he never got the message! He's very observant :)
That is really adorable...why is it always the nice ones we don't fall for?!